Caracteristicas de la familia solanaceae pdf

The name may come from a perceived resemblance of certain solanaceous flowers to the sun and its rays. The distribution and origin of the family solanaceae within the lomas formations. Las solanaceas son plantas herbaceas, subarbustos, arbustos, arboles o lianas. Familia solanaceae arboles y flores en republica dominicana. Pdf the solanaceae is a large varied family of trees, shrubs and herbs including 90 genera and more than 2000 species.

Las plantas solanaceas son fundamentalmente hierbas, arboles y arb. Caracteristicas, cuidados, tipos y mucho mas sobre. Nativas nombre vulgar exoticas nombre vulgar brunfelsia australis fig. Puedenser anuales, bienales o perennes, erguidas o decumbentes, trepadoras, algunosarborescentes. Solanaceae diversity in the state of jalisco, mexico. The name solanaceae derives from the genus solanum, the nightshade plant. Tomate, tabaco, chiles, floripondios y parientes family. Presenta 102 generos y 2460 especies stevens, 2008. The solanaceae consists of about 98 genera and some 2,700 species, with a great diversity of habitats, morphology and ecology. Presentation of solanaceae collections held by ecpgr partners. Sus flores pueden ser rojas, anaranjadas, amarillas, verdes, azules, purpuras o blancas. Solanaceae the potato family 94 genera 2,950 species distribution. This family contains many species of great economic importance. These include potato solanum tuberosum, tomato lycopersicon.

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